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Nostalgic Live: ‘MalchuSamet’ Brandmark, Samet & Malchut On Stage!

Laser Brandmark Presents: The joint hits of the Malchut Choir and Ahrele Samet

This is what it looked like at a cheerful wedding that was celebrated some time ago: In the midst of the dancing, Laser Brandmark and his orchestra – the ‘Malchut’ choir – and Ahrele Samet summarized all the great bouncing hits that they released together in collaboration, as part of singles, music videos, strings, or from Samet‘s album, which was accompanied by ‘Malchut‘ vocal. From ‘-Achen’ to ‘Bobov ‘, from ‘Sinai,’ to ‘Lenovo ‘ from ‘Ki Bi’ by Dirshu to ‘Livush Malchut’ by Purim.

Arrangement and musical production: Laser Brandmark

Photography: Liran Shemesh

Editing: Hershey’s
Mix: Chaim Gottesman
Cover design: Zeira
Public relations: BaFront