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עטיפה מלבנית (4)

Lidor Nachum “Tzoaik Li Babeten”

Lyrics and music – Rami Lev
Arrangement and musical production – Daniel Chen

Lidor Nachum: “Tzoaik Li Babeten” – a song that talks about the little things we have that are not taken for granted.  We should be grateful and happy about all of them. This is my purpose – to make the people of Israel happy.”
Tzoaik Li Babeten” is a powerful, energetic and engaging single that draws our attention to joy and reminds us to rejoice and thank the Creator for everything we have. The song brings with it upliftment, thanking HaShem, and the bringing of hearts and people together.
The song, with a Latin rhythm, was created by the esteemed Rami Lev, arranged by Maestro Daniel Chen. The unique, moving and powerful voice of singer, Lidor Nachum,calls for rejoicing tonight and not forgetting where we came from.
Lidor Nachum performs Jewish music, which combines all parts of the population and enriches the music culture in Israel. Lidor is busy working and creating a special work in preparation for his first album, which will be released soon, collaborating with the best creators in the country and preparing surprises for us.

“To be grateful for everything I have.
Not to forget where I came from.
A person needs every moment.
To always be happy.
The guitar in me plays and the music does not stop.
Open your heart for a moment because it just wants to sing more.