The song Aderaba, originally written for and recorded by Avrohom Fried, is performed here by the well-known R’ Abish Brodt שליט”א, in honor of the 238th Yohrzeit of the great Tzaddik, Rebbi Elimelech of Lizensk, who authored the Holy text of the song. R’ Abish is one of the most beloved singers appreciated by Roshei Yeshiva and Chassidisheh Admorim everywhere.
The word means ‘On the contrary…’ Among the many important ideas present in the exquisite and extensive Tefila, entitled “Prayer before the Prayer” composed by Rebbi Elimelech of Lizhenk: (to be recited in the mornings before the Shacharis Service,) lies the central idea behind prayer itself: that of “Love for one’s Fellow Jew.” Rebbi Elimelech precedes this idea with the word ‘Aderaba’ signaling that one make a full stop before commencing prayers and contemplate only the good in one’s fellow and disregard all that isn’t. He further asserts that this, and only this, will bring one to the level of true love of Hashem, the central idea behind Jewish Prayer.
Composed by: Yossi Green
Performed by: R’ Abish Brodt
Arranged by: Moshe Laufer
Produced by: Yossi Green