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עטיפת קליפ 'קרעטשמע' שרוליק רייזמן וחברים עם אהרל'ה סאמעט ובנצי שטיין - איור מוטי הלר

Srulik Raizman & Friends With Ahrele Samet & Bentzi Stein In A Colorful Video: “Kretchma”

Srulik Raizman, a friend of all the great musicians, gathered all the good friends to the prestigious chulent and Shabbat delicacies store in Jerusalem “Yossele Makir Shabbat” with complete surprise, the singer Ahrele Samet joined him.

Srulik did not finish getting excited by the gesture and suddenly the singer and composer Bentzi Stein emerged from the window and broke into the song of the Mashgiach R. Don Segal Shlita, which he also recently renewed “Tataleh Kum Shoin Aheim“, when the surprised friends had no choice but to get up, dance and rejoice.

In addition to these surprises, Srulik was also surprised by the painter Motti Heller, who illustrated the cover that accompanies the video with great and impressive art.

Come and rejoice and dance too!