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Chasdei Lev Presents: Shea Berko Feat. Avrumi Berko – Moireh Rabbach [Official Music Video]

Wedding superstar brothers Shea and Avrumi Berko collaborate to bring you a brand new hit song that will surely get you up and dancing!

These inspiring words of the Mishnah in Pirkei Avos (Perek ד’ Mishnah ט”ו ) portray the love and dedication that Rebbeim and Mechanchim have for their precious Talmidim day in day out, which leads to the awesome respect and admiration that parents and Talmidim alike, give in return to their beloved Rebbeim and Mechanchim.

MY DEAR REBBE AND FAMILY, We are grateful to you and to your family for answering to this higher calling. We appreciate beyond words that you have devoted yourself to this mission. Please accept this small token of our thanks and realize that we recognize the challenges you face because of your commitment. Thank You!

Chasdei Lev, a non-profit organization which helps Rebbeim and their families enjoy their Yomim Tovim with the financial Menuchas Hanefesh which they so deserve, partnered up with some amazing musical talent to release an uplifting new song. Enjoy this song and video, and make sure to go to: for more information. Find out how you can help with Chasdei Lev!

To purchase/stream Moireh Rabbach click this link

Sung by Shea Berko
Featuring Avrumi Berko
Produced by Yechiel Schron
A. Berko Productions
Composed and directed by Yitzy Waldner
Arranged and mixed by Avrumi Berko
Additional lyrics by Yitzy Waldner

Video Credits:
Video Produced by: Motty Berkowitz
Gaffer: David Alexander


יהי כבוד תלמידך חביב עליך כשלך
וכבוד חברך כמורא רבך
ומורא רבך כמורא שמים
ווייל דיר קומט כבוד דיר קומט מורא כמורא שמים
ווייל רבי רבי רבי, מפיך אנו חיין