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HASHPUOIS - BizTank's New Single by Sruly Altman

HASHPUOIS – BizTank’s New Single by Sruly Altman

BizTank, the ‘Jewish Shark tank‘ released a song in collaboration with Schnitzler Studios in honor of BizTank’s founder and CEO Joel Klein CPBC marrying off his first child.

Composed by Joel and his family on the words: פותח את ידיך ומשביע לכל חי רצון which is the Hebrew translation of Psalm 145:16: (G-D) “Open your hand and satisfy every living creature with your kindness.” A common prayer intended for success seekers and the alike.

פותח את ידיך ומשביע לכל חי רצון Words that are fitting to the occasion, as it truly resonates with BizTank‘s mission of empowering entrepreneurs and businesses around the globe.


A Project Brought to you by: Schnitzler Studios

Composed by: Joel and the Klein family

Lead vocals by: Sruly Altman

Music Programming by: Duvi Moseson