Musician Bentzi Stein is releasing a recording of his Kulu-Lachan performance of the song Tata’le composed originally by R’ Dan Segal Shlita.
Acheinu Acapella – Yonatan Stern & Friends
Yonatan Stern is featuring six friends of his (Meir Ben Dror, Leizer Brouk, Sahar Chalutzi, Yoni Schwartz, Pinchas Cohen, and Tuvia Friedman) for an A Capella cover of the classic Abie Rotenberg song Acheinu, given the current situation in the world and in Israel in particular.
“Yesh Bi Emunah” Now In Its Vocal Version From The Mishalot Boys Choir Feat. Dovid Perlman
The Mishalot Boys Choir released an amazing A Capella cover of Shmuel and Mordechai Shapiro‘s hit song Yesh Bi Emunah. The song features Dovid Perlman, and was arranged and produced by Daniel Yishai who manages the choir.
Yissachar Dror | Medley of My Soul 4 “The Final Tear”
Medley of my soul 4 | The Final Tear Music Credit: Produced by: David Ihilevich Acapella Arranged by: David Taub Vocals Recorded @ David Ihilevich Studio’s Mixed by: David Taub Mastered by: Ronen Hillel Graphics Design By: Hadar Rambod – Hyve Graphics Portraiture By: Rachel Mishanieh PR Marketing: Sruly Meyer[…]
Gavriel Reichmann & Eli Schwebel Collaborate On Special Project For The Nine Days
Prospect Heights, NY – In an inspiring musical collaboration, Gavriel Reichmann and Eli Schwebel have joined forces to create a special song titled “AAVV,” set to release during the Nine Days. The two artists, introduced by Yoe Mase, found common ground through their separate collaborations with the talented Mordechai Shapiro,[…]
Yechiel Schron With An Acapella Single For Chodesh Av “Nachamu Nachamu Ami”
After the release of his long awaited debut album Modim Lach, Yechiel Schron releases his first ever acapella single. The new song titled Nachamu Nachamu Ami was composed in part by renowned composer and longtime friend Yitzy Waldner and Yechiel himself. The song was created while the duo were working[…]
Aaron Razel Releases The Vocal Version of “Mivchan Ha’Ahava”
Aaron Razel is releasing a brand new acapella single called Mivchan Ha’Ahava. He composed the song while learning the piece in the Mesillas Yesharim that the words are taken from, and it was co-composed together with his wife Efrat. The song was arranged and produced by Eli Klein and Yitzy[…]
From The New Album: Hillel Meyer – V’orvo [Acappella]
After the tremendous success of his new album Teirutzim, singer Hillel Meir is releasing an A Capella version of the song V’orvo, composed by Chaim Altman, and arranged in A Capella by Yonatan Stern.
Motty Vizel, Avremi Lunger, Moishy & Srulik Mendelson “Besoid Kedoshim”
Singers Motty Vizel and Avremi Lunger are joining together for a special project where they are reproducing the holy niggun of R’ Mordechai Nadvorna ZTL. Moishy and Srulik Mendelson arranged and produced the track, together with Yitzy Berry.
Udi Damari With A New Single “Toda”
Singer, composer, and producer Udi Damari is releasing a brand new single called Toda, which he wrote, composed, and produced himself.