Singer Israel Gavra is releasing a new single called Ahavat Chinam.

Singer Israel Gavra is releasing a new single called Ahavat Chinam.
Neria Angel, who created simcha at weddings and events from the DJ booth, returns with a new emotional ballad. After the hits “Ata Li Hateshuva,” “Hatov Hatov,” “Kama Tov Hashem,” and with a new baby born to Neria and his wife, he is releasing a new song titled “Kan L’Ehov“,[…]
Inspired by my own personal avodah in being b’shalom with everyone around me, and appreciating my fellow Jews at a time when we are sometimes so far apart, I have composed this song which talks about the love and pursuit of shalom. Joining me is my oldest son Moshe, who[…]
At various times in a person’s life they may feel hopeless, not knowing or seeing any possible solution to whatever dire issue or grim situation they might be facing. This feeling of despair is ( ”?From where will my salvation come“ – ” ֵמאין יבא עזרי“, strikingly captured in the[…]
About a half year after releasing his emotional song, Lalechet Ba’Derech Zeh, Yaron Bar is releasing a remix of the same song, arranged by Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry.
The long-awaited release of the special composition of R’ Moshe Tzvi Duvalski A”H from his grandson Ephraim Chein is finally here! The song was arranged by Ari Farkash to the words of Kel Mistater from the Zemiros of Shalosh Seudos. The song it titled Keter.
In honor of a wedding in the family, composer Eliezer Shweber released his song Samcheim, together with his son Doniel. The song was arranged by Moshe Laufer.
Meir Ben Dror is releasing a new single called Levavot, whose words are taken from Nishmas, composed and arranged by Meir himself, and produced by Yair Levi.
Yosef Guttman grew up on solitary farms in South Africa, with music always flowing in his veins. At a young age he started playing bass guitar. His musical skills became the talk of the day, and despite being the only white boy in the class, he was invited to play[…]
Kfirim Roshu Vraevu, Vdorshey Hashem Lo Yachsiru Kol Tov. Young Lions are wild and hungry, but the one that praises Hashem lacks nothing good. Have you ever felt less in control than right now, after months of confusion, panic, and uncertainty? Stop looking around and look inside. King David teaches[…]