Avrumi Samet is releasing a new single, based on one of the famous Meshalim of R’ Levi Yitzchak of Barditchev.

Avrumi Samet is releasing a new single, based on one of the famous Meshalim of R’ Levi Yitzchak of Barditchev.
Moshe Dweck is releasing a new cover of Oichila with a Mizrachi twist in it, the track was arranged and produced by Udi Damari.
Here is Chaim Israel‘s latest single, Kel Mistater, together with Yoav Yitzchak, produced by Ron Karmi.
After years of performances and enthralling crowds, singer Eli Klein is releasing his debut single, called Shira Ka’Yam. Nati Kugler composed the song, which was arranged and produced by Adi Netaneli.
Today’s single to be released from Ishay Ribo‘s upcoming new live concert album is Seder Ha’Avoda, recorded live on January 7th, 2019, in Tel Aviv.
In anticipation of the upcoming days of Yomim Noraim singer Yonatan Shainfeld is releasing a new song called Avakesh Panecha, which he wrote, composed, and even produced himself. It is a new single off of the upcoming album that is due out soon, produced by David Fadida.
Here is a special joint endeavor between Chazzan Tzvi Weiss from the Great Synagogue in Yerushalayim, and singer Chananel Ochana, combining the Sefardic Piyut Adon Ha’Selichot with Unesaneh Tokef. Avihu Yitzchak arranged and musically produced the track, together with Yehuda Kalman.
Dearest Friends, Sometimes a niggun comes down all at once. Sometimes it comes down in pieces- months or even years apart. The second part of this niggun came down at the Amster shabbos table in West Rodgers Park, Chicago, in November 2018. It wasn’t until a year and a half[…]
Today’s release from Ishay Ribo‘s upcoming live performance album is “Haboker Yaaleh“, performed February 27, 2020, in Binyanei Ha’Umah.
Ariel Levi is now releasing his new single called Teoriyot. This is his fourth single on the way towards his debut album.