In honor of the historic peace treaty between Israel and the UAE, Moishy Roth and his Menagnim orchestra are presenting a historical classic of their own, featuring the hit MBD song Hakol Yihiyeh K’mo B’Chalom, Ksheyavoh Shalom.

In honor of the historic peace treaty between Israel and the UAE, Moishy Roth and his Menagnim orchestra are presenting a historical classic of their own, featuring the hit MBD song Hakol Yihiyeh K’mo B’Chalom, Ksheyavoh Shalom.
Torah should be alive and sweet! We were blessed with eight sons, each of them got the privilege of learning gemara in yeshiva. This week, the new zmaan began. What better way to enjoy and appreciate the holy and precious words of our Tanaaim and Amoraim, than through song and dance?[…]
There are many messages one can take from the Corona Virus pandemic. One of the most potent perhaps, is to internalize that we are not in control. At the end of the day, only G-D has the power to make or break. It is comforting to know that even through[…]
Tzachi Klein is releasing a new single called Shilhei Shana. His previous song, Nidabeik came out in the beginning of Corona, and now his message is Teshuva and Elul-themed. The track was produced and arranged by Liad Grushko.
Yehuda Katz and his troupe is releasing a new single called Shir Todah, co-written by Yehuda and Chamutal Ben Z’ev, to remind us of all of the good that we still have despite the challenges and frustrations of Corona.
Elul is here already, and were in a very confusing time. Will the shuls be open? Will there be another lockdown during the Chagim? Kumzitzer Shloime Katzanelbogen is releasing a single called Nachpeso due to this complicated time we are in. Yonatan Razel produced the track.
Netanel Israel is going with a slightly different style in his latest single, taking the words from the Zemiros of Motzei Shabbos and applying them to the mood of Selichos and Elul. The song, Lo Yom V’Lo Layla, was composed by Elchanan Elchadad, and arranged and produced by Yair and[…]
A moment after Rosh Chodesh Elul, the composer and arranger Sruli Broncher, hosts singer Eliya Vahab in a new song that is all a combination of emotion and rhythm. The new and intriguing track is called “Mama“, and is actually a love song and appreciation for Mama with words all[…]
This song is based off the 13 Midos Harachmim, how it has the power to bring us closer to Hashem with complete Teshuva. It says “Hashem Hashem” two times to symbolize His compassion on us both before and after our sin. It also tells us how Hashem remains unchanged because[…]
During the month of Slichos singer Eliran Deri is releasing the well-known Piyut Adon Ha’Selichot, arranged and produced by David Bittan.