Pini Einhorn and Ahrele Samet are now releasing a new single together with a music video. The song is called Veharvach Lanu, and the lyrics are taken from Bentching. The song was composed by Yitzy Berry, and arranged produced by Yitzy and Eli Klein.

Pini Einhorn and Ahrele Samet are now releasing a new single together with a music video. The song is called Veharvach Lanu, and the lyrics are taken from Bentching. The song was composed by Yitzy Berry, and arranged produced by Yitzy and Eli Klein.
Ethan Katz attempts to inspire the world again with the release of his new single, ‘Yismechu’ as we entered Elul and draw closer to the Yomim Noraim. He hopes this up-tempo song, drawing from the words of the Shabbos Mussaf Amidah, can show help lead the charge towards teshuva and,[…]
DJ Kraz and Isaac Ben get together and colab on a new and fresh EDM/Pop single. They made this song without ever even meeting each other in person. The music was created in DJ Kraz’s studio and Isaac recorded the vocals at his studio. So far the feedback on this[…]
Aaron Razel is surprising all of us with a special new song that he composed from the words of the Rambam, called Ani Acher!!! In this song he guest features singer Eveitar Banai, and the song was produced by Naor Carmi.
The Waterbury Yeshiva just released a new single performed by Sruly Rubin, Yitz Shoshan and Yosef Kasper, composed by Yosef Kasper and Sruly Rubin. The song was produced and arranged by the talented Aryeh Kunstler.
Aviad Deref is a talented singer and artist who has worked for over 10 years with teens at risk. He is now releasing a new single called Kamah Ani Rotzeh, with message perfect for Elul. He wrote, composed, and sang this song, which was arranged and produced by Avi Tal[…]
A special and unique collaboration by huge Israeli star Lior Narkis and singer SHUKY from America. The two met four years ago in the studio of producer and music arranger Tamir Tzur in Miami. Together they recorded “Baruch Hashem Ani Noshem” written and composed by Itzik Shamli. Lior Narkis says:[…]
Just in time for Elul, singer Noam Ramati is releasing his new single V’Gomleini Chassadim Tovim, which he wrote and composed himself. Its his 4th single on his way towards his debut album produced by the talented Nadav Biton.
Singer and artist Eitan Kleinman is releasing his latest single called Smichat Tela’im. He wrote and composed the song himself, which was arranged and produced by Ido Gonen.
Chaim Avital is a musician and singer/songwriter/composer. At 34 years old he is now releasing his first debut single called Mitpallel V’Shar, the first single on his way towards a debut album. The song was written and composed by Almog Fedali, and arranged and produced by Maor Chaim Shaashua. […]