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פרויקט מעומקא דליבא • רועי לביא ויוסף נטיב יעטוף באהבה - קאבר

Introducing: The M’Umka D’Liba Project

The M’Umka D’Liba project is featuring Roei Lavi and Yosef Nativ in a brand new single called Yaatof B’Ahava. This is the fourth single from the project, and it was created due to the ongoing situation since Simchas Torah. Yosef Nativ composed the song himself, which was arranged and produced[…]

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עטיפה מלבנית סינגל-קליפ - פוקח עורים - מאיר נוסענצוייג

Pokeach Ivrim – Nussenzweig, Ilowitz, Schnitzler

Discover the inspiring journey of Meir, a resilient teen who faced a life-altering diagnosis with unwavering strength. After overcoming a tumor but losing his vision in the process, Meir’s indomitable spirit remained unwavering. Inspired by his own journey, and fueled by a passion for music, Meir found solace and purpose[…]

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