Yissachar Dror with a vocal medley – Medley Of My Soul featuring Ari Goldwag Songs: Hashomayim – Shloime Gertner Koli El Hashem – Isaac Honig Tfilah Leani – MBD Im Eshkacheich – Lev Tahor Father Don’t Cry – Avraham Fried

Yissachar Dror with a vocal medley – Medley Of My Soul featuring Ari Goldwag Songs: Hashomayim – Shloime Gertner Koli El Hashem – Isaac Honig Tfilah Leani – MBD Im Eshkacheich – Lev Tahor Father Don’t Cry – Avraham Fried
Acapella artist Yonatan Stern hosts Chazzan Lazer Bruk in a new vocal version of the song ‘Im Eshkocheich‘ composed by Reb Shlomo Carlebach. The two who have already performed many songs together in rich acapella arrangements. This time they chose a clean performance that is especially suitable for these days.[…]
Ezra Eliyahu, (Feat. Joey Newcomb, Eli Dachs, Dovid Pearlman, Yisroel Hoffmann, Y. Giniger) Listen and download on apple Music and spotify https://linktr.ee/ezraeliyahu
With Hashem’s help I’m so excited to Bring this to you for the period of the year when we step back from our regularly scheduled music programming to sit in mourning. I felt this song needed to be offered in a way that could allow us to listen to it[…]
Despite the countless performances of Ishay Ribo’s big hit “Halev Sheli,” this new performance of the young vocal band ’3Vocal’ by Avishai Rosen and his friends manages to create another nuance to the magical song.
In the summer of 2010 I had the honor of debuting the song Refuah together with Yaakov Shwekey, Live in Caesaria. Over the past few months the meaning of this tefilla has become even stronger as we daven for the health of our sisters and brothers. Presented by Doni Gross[…]
DEDICATED IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY FATHER RAV YITZCHAK DROR ZT’’L The Beit HaMikdash (Temple), Mishkan (Tabernacle), Arron Hakodesh (Ark) and the Mizbeach (Altar) Displayed in the video were hand Crafted and built by my Holy Father Blessed Memory. To My Family, Fans and Friends, each one[…]
For more music, shiurim, information and to stay up to date with Rav Shlomo Katz and The Shlomo Katz Project visit our website at: www.theshlomokatzproject.com
Singer Meir Chajabi recreates the song by Yonatan Shainfeld and Shuki Salomon “Ahavat Chinam” written by Solomon and composed by the two together. Vocal arrangement: Menachem Munis and Meir Chajabi
Mendel Moses of London just released a stunning vocal cover of Yaakov Shwekey‘s hit song “Maamin Benisim” off his second album We Are a Miracle composed by Yitzy Waldner. Enjoy Follow Mendel on social media https://www.facebook.com/MusicByMoses/ https://www.instagram.com/musicbymoses/