Credits: Composed By: Moshe Aryeh Robinson Produced By: Hillel Kapnick ( Recorded @ Uptop Studios (Monsey, NY) Production Assistance: Baruch Naftel – Lazer Productions

Credits: Composed By: Moshe Aryeh Robinson Produced By: Hillel Kapnick ( Recorded @ Uptop Studios (Monsey, NY) Production Assistance: Baruch Naftel – Lazer Productions
After the HUGE success of his first single in over 10 years titled #ULAL “Up Like A Lion” back in December, singer/songwriter,arranger and producer Aryeh Kunstler is back on the front line of Jewish music as an artist. Two months ago Aryeh released #ULAL Unplugged, showing fans that a song[…]
DJ Kraz & Aryeh Kunstler get together and collaborate on a mind blowing EDM / Pop single. After DJ Kraz got such incredible feedback, verified on Instagram and grew a huge fan base in such a short time as a young artist, he realized that the time to take things[…]
Udi Damari is proud to present his Lag Baomer 5780 medley, featuring singer Beri Sheltzer. Avi Avidani is featured on drums, Noam Borg on Guitars, Avi Yifrach on Bass, Udi Damari on keyboards and clarinetist Avrumi Balti.
Moshe Siegel releases a beautiful, uplifting song very relevant to these difficult times, titled “Psach Li”; a song asking Hashem for mercy, featuring Yosef Kugler. R’ Shimshon Pincus refers to Tefillah as a gate, and behind that gate there is so much good waiting for us, but we just have[…]
FREE download:… I got this idea a few weeks ago and new I had to take it all the way. For this project I decided to team up with some really cool people, and we are proud to present our official reconstruction of Bar Yochai. Available on all platforms[…]
Mizrachi singer Idan Dahari just released a new song in honor of the hilula of Reb Shimon Bar Yochai titled “L’Rashbi Magiim.”
Moishe Eisenberg has been working for years for this moment. A velvety voiced singer with a chassidishe bren, he has been singing at chasunas for years, after being among the elite singers of the Shira Choir, while moonlighting on other singers’ albums. Now, just in time for Lag Baomer, Eisenberg[…]
The Chassidic singer Shlomie Cohen releases a new and especially poetic song about the Tana Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai on the occasion of Lag Ba’Omer titled “Rabi Shimon.” Composer: Bentzi Stein Arrangement: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry and their choir
Israeli/Mizrachi singer Chaim Israel just released a new hit written by the composed by composed Eli Klein. The popular duo Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry were responsible for the musical arrangement and production.