Singer and composer Amiran Dvir is hosting a duet with musician Israel Sosna in a vocal performance of Rabbi Baruch Chait‘s classic hit “Mi Ha’ish.” Israel Sosna responsible for vocal arrangement and production.

Singer and composer Amiran Dvir is hosting a duet with musician Israel Sosna in a vocal performance of Rabbi Baruch Chait‘s classic hit “Mi Ha’ish.” Israel Sosna responsible for vocal arrangement and production.
The Original Ki Tov was released a few months ago by Yoeli Klein & Shaye Gross, people caught on to it, and started posting it every day on their social media. But then came Sfira, people started demanding for a sfira version, and asking why is one not being released.[…]
At the height of a confused and strange times we are in with today’s corona epidemic is in full swing, and the days of Sefira which commemorates the passing of tens of thousands of Rabbi Akiva students. Singer Yair David chooses to release a vocal version of the “Bein Kodesh[…]
The song “Bald” is a masterpiece that was not released too long a go, but took the world in storm of how much musicality it contains with every note over taking the one before with its master chord in place, no need to talk about the massage the song brings[…]
Mendel Moses of London just released a stunning vocal cover of Shloime Gerstner‘s hit song “Shabbos Hayom” Hashem off his second album Say Asay. Enjoy Follow Mendel on social media
Dear Friends, It has been the מנהג of כלל ישראל that when we say the temporary goodbye to our departed, we recite the פסוק in ישעיה of ומחה ה’ דמעה It always struck me how these words are not sad words, rather they are hopeful words, words we desperately cling[…]
With the HUGE success of Uri David‘s second album Muchanim, and the song becoming a world anthem, Uri decided to release an acapella version of the song set to the original music video. The vocal version was created by the talented Israeli vocal producer/arranger Yonatan Stern.
The great Chasidic singer Avraham Fried and Tzvi Silberstein just released a acapella version of their prayer song “Aneinu“, especially for Sefira. Composed by Yitzy Waldner
On a beautiful summer evening, less than a year ago, I had the opportunity to join the Hatzalah Barbeque: it was a chance to focus on what drives these incredible people, Yidden who fall asleep with radios near their pillow, whose ears are always attuned for the call of a[…]
Dear friends We’ve produced a video of covid 19 in conjunction with this month’s Chodesh Iyar which is the month of healing – as it’s say Ani Hashem Rofechu – to provide some chizuk and warmth with this rendition of refueini Sung so beautifully to warm your hearts! Credits Child[…]