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Baruch Levine - Umacha Acapella

Baruch Levine – Umacha Acapella

Dear Friends, It has been the מנהג of כלל ישראל that when we say the temporary goodbye to our departed, we recite the פסוק in ישעיה of ומחה ה’ דמעה It always struck me how these words are not sad words, rather they are hopeful words, words we desperately cling[…]

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Uri Davidi - Muchanim Acapella

URI DAVIDI – Muchanim [Acapella]

With the HUGE success of Uri David‘s second album Muchanim, and the song becoming a world anthem, Uri decided to release an acapella version of the song set to the original music video. The vocal version was created by the talented Israeli vocal producer/arranger Yonatan Stern.  

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Aryeh Hurwitz - Mi Sheberach IDF

Aryeh Hurwitz – Mi Sheberach IDF Acapella

As the world remembers the soldiers who lost their lives fighting on the front lines for Eretz Yisroel, we daven for the soldiers that are fighting each and every day, serving and protecting our nation. ‘Mi Sheberach for the IDF’ is performed by Aryeh Hurwitz and the Rinat Israel Choir[…]

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David Taub - Nishmati Acapella

David Taub “Nishmati” Now In Vocal Version

Earlier this year, singer and composer David Taub released a song for Yomim Noriom titled “Nishmati“. Taub composed an exciting ballad from the morning’s first tefilla. He chose to put out a song in a field close to his heart this morning. “My connection to the song was created from[…]

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