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YT Cover • Corona Mitzvah Tantz • Leiby Moskowitz

Badchan Leiby Moskowitz Releases “Corona Mitzvah Tantz”

Due to the Coronavirus lots of weddings were postponed, cancelled or held in private (Backyard’s, Garages, Dining rooms etc). As one of today’s leading Badchanim enhancing simchas night after night Leiby Moskowitz – known for his charismatic singing, original compositions and masterful lyrics – had multiple cancellations and witnessed first[…]

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אודי דמארי-שדי

Udi Damari – Shakkai

Now that we are all davening to Hashem to say enough for all of this suffering, Udi Damari felt a strong passion to compose the Piyyut called Shakkai. Words: David Ben Zachary Halevi Composer: Folk / Udi Damari Musical Processing and Production: Udi Damari Programming and keyboards: Udi Damari Percussion:[…]

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Rav Shmuel Brazil - Vehu Keili

Rav Shmuel Brazil – Vehu Keili

By now we all realize that Hashem Yisbarach is sending Klal Yisrael a wake up call to change and improve our ways. We still need chizuk to bring this recognition into our hearts. Through Davening and Tehillim with fervor, and with the deveikus and inspiration that one can derive from[…]

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Dani Kunstler - Elokai Neshama

Dani Kunstler – Elokai Neshama

Dani Kunstler composer and man behind the famed V’havienu series, just released a solos single. The single was released with the following message. The birth of a child brings out a spiritual and emotional change within me. After our new daughter Sara Bracha was born, the words Elokai Neshama stuck[…]

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