Singer Elia Vahav and rising star Mori Tradio joined together to sing a new powerful song, called Ein Kamocha. Arik Tanti composed the lyrics written by Gal Sharig, which were then arranged by Tziki Tanti.

Singer Elia Vahav and rising star Mori Tradio joined together to sing a new powerful song, called Ein Kamocha. Arik Tanti composed the lyrics written by Gal Sharig, which were then arranged by Tziki Tanti.
For this song, you will make a Bracha Acharona. After many hits, including Bas Kol, Ha’Ish Mekadeish, Lashon Hara, and others, Chaim Shlomo Mayesz is releasing an upbeat song that will heat up your winter. Like his personal tradition, here too he is bringing his creativity to his music by[…]
After three singles, Yisroel Man is releasing his fourth single, which he composed and arranged himself. The song is called Hovu LaShem, and Yaakov Rothblatt and the Yedidim international choir added choral vocals to the track as well.
With the success of two solo albums, a Yom Tov album and over half a million views on his last music video, Yiheyeh Besseder, and over 1 million hits on Bezochrenu Et Zion, Brazilian super singer Micha Gamerman hasn’t stopped working. Now he is releasing an exciting new single titled[…]
In honor of Mamme Rochel’s 3,570th Yahrzeit, here is an exquisite new song called “Min’i Koleich Bi’Bechi” written and composed in her honor by R’ Yaakov Feingold. Featured Artist: Yoeli Greenfeld Child Soloist: Shia Mendlowitz Production: MK Studios Musical Arrangements: Zisha Schnitzler Mix & Master: Ruli Ezrachi […]
This week the new album from chassidic singer Michoel Schnitzler will be released. The album is titled “Mimini Michoel” is being presented by Moshy Kraus and features music arranged by Zisha Schniztler. Click PLAY below to hear the track “Es Hakol”
Singer Akiva Margaliot is releasing a special single after 10 years of musical production silence from him. He joins together in a duet with Chaim Yisrael, which is the second single off an album called Margaliyot and Friends. Akiva Margaliyot has been involved in the Chassidic music scene for the[…]
Singer Amichai Spigler recently released a new Chuppah song, in honor of his wedding and in anticipation of his upcoming debut album, soon to be released. After his major success with the popular songs Zakeini L’Sameach and L’shanah Haba, he is releasing a slow song called Mi Von Siach, which[…]
Chaim Dvash is now releasing a new single ballad called Mode Ani. The song tells the story of the relationship between R’ Yochanan and Reish Lakish. Lyrics by: Chaim Devash
Composed & Produced by Refoel Reyfer – [email protected] Studio DYNAMIC Montréal – Cheskie Fisch ©Yohan Michael 2017 All rights reserved Lyrics: בואי בשלום עטרת בעלה גם ברנה ובצהלה תוך אמוני עם סגלה בואי כלה בואי כלה הוא יברך את החתן ואת הכלה