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FDD Vocal Group Hosts A Special Shabbat Medley [Video]

The FDD Vocal ensemble from FDD Productions opens this period of the 3 weeks, Bein Hamitzarim, by releasing a spectacular clip of the of Nigunim and Shabbat songs. The video features a vocal accompaniment of a special Sabbath, from Kabbalas Shabbas through the musical Havdalah ceremony. The FDD Vocal ensemble[…]

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Shmili Steinmetz & Avrum Chaim Green – Mi Bon Siach

R’ Sheya Hanstater, the name behind many greatest hits, including “Omar Rabbi Binyamin,” “Sisu V’Simchu,” and “Elokei Neshamah“, returns in a big way surprising the Chasidic world of music with a magnificent new project. Another sequel to his series of renown albums. Harav Hanstater is currently celebrating the marriage of[…]

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Euphoria cover for tunecore

DJ Yehuda Releases New Dance Track “Euphoria”

Euphoria: noun- ‘a feeling of intense excitement and happiness’. Euphoria is a new dance track by DJ Yehuda that captures that perfect feeling. The feeling when you want to just dance like no one is watching. That ‘summer-sunshine-life is awesome’ kind of feeling. So turn up the volume and put[…]

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Tomer Hatuka - Boee Kalla

Tomer Hatuka With A New Chuppa Song “Boee Kalla”

Tomer Hatuka is a musician, singer, and composer with a unique voice range and delivery. To date, he has already release two albums, “Shabbat HaGadol“, which dealt with the Shabbat services and the prayer melodies of Yemenite Jewry, and “Eretz Shalom” an original album that produced hits such as “Shar“,[…]

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Kobi Grinboim - Hamagid

Kobi Grinboim Releases His Debut Single “Hamagid”

After many years in the music industry, in which thousands of Chattan’s and Kallot have gone under the chuppa, after a wide range of stages in the country, after performing worldwide in huge performances and prestigious dinners, the successful singer Kobi Grinboim performs in his debut single “Hamagid” from an[…]

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