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Meir Duvid Farkas – Likutei Moharan

The now famous song “ממלא כל עלמין” from the great Tzadik Mohorosh of Breslev Zatzal, has captivated so many with its deep message. In this new song “Let’s learn Likutei Moharan!“ Rabbi Meir David Farkas and his son Shimon, explain in a beautiful way the deeper meaning of the song[…]

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Yerachmiel - Israel

Israel – Yerachmiel

A message from Yerachmiel: To Israel my beloved country, You have been through so much over the centuries, always in our thoughts and prayers. You mean so much to so many people around the world. At times it may seem like you have no friends, you were ravaged, pillaged and[…]

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Derech Achim – Piaseczna Niggun

This niggun was composed in memory of the holy Piaseczna Rebbe (Rav Kalonymus Kalman Shapira). He was named after his great grandfather, the Maor Vashemesh (Rav Kalonymus Kalman Epstein) who was the Rebbe of Krakow (and hence a hint to the Krakow niggun). The Piaseczna Rebbe inspired thousands of people[…]

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