As we approach Sukkos, the holiday when we celebrate Yerushalayim, we ask Hashem to rebuild his home, the Beis Hamikdash. In this new song, composed by R’ Yoel Yisroel Zupnik and sung by the harmonious duet of Zanvil Weinberger and Dovy Meisels along with the Malchus Choir, that’s exactly the[…]
“Vechoil Maminim” by Gesher, featuring Gershi Uri
In the month of Tishrei, when we crown Hashem as our king, “V’chol Ma’aminim” is the perfect song to lift our spirits. We’re excited to share a new take on this timeless classic, originally composed by the legendary cantor R’ Yosele Rosenblatt. Working with the talented Gershi Uri has truly[…]
Shaya Lebron With a New Debut Music Video: “Tumid”
Hashem’s desire for our Teshuva is immeasurable. He waits for our return more than a father longs for his son. No matter how far we may have strayed, Hashem’s love for us is unwavering. What makes our Teshuva even more powerful is the Shira we offer to Hashem, as He[…]
Moishy Schwartz & Dovy Meisles With a Beautiful New Song: “Zechus Avos”
Introducing “Zechus Avos“, a beautiful soulful new song by Moishy Schwartz & Dovy Meisles. This beautiful melody is released in honor of the Hachnasas Sefer Torah ceremony, dedicated by Chaim Avrum Brach in memory of his illustrious zeide, Reb Hertzkala Ratzferter z”l. Join us in celebrating this joyous event, taking[…]
Mordechai Gottlieb With a Special Single “Hashiveim”
While still doing Kiruv in Uman and in light of the “Yomim Noraim”, Mordechai Gottlieb has released a new single “Hashiveim”, a special song he composed. Produced and arranged by Mendy Lipsker US Digital Marketing By: Motty Klein @MusicOnTime
Shalom Jacobs Unveils “Mareh Kohen” A Soul-Stirring Rendition for Yom Kippur
Composition by: Yitzy Waldner Lyrics: Traditional In an awe-inspiring rendition that touches the soul, internationally renowned singer and Chazan, Shalom Jacobs, breathes new life into the timeless Yom Kippur prayer, “Mareh Kohen” (מראה כהן). This powerful musical composition, crafted by Yitzy Waldner, captures the breathtaking vision of the Kohen Gadol[…]
Avrumy Straus & Motty Ilowitz with a New Song & Music Video: “Tefilasi”
Vani Tefilosi — words we say daily, right at the start of Shacharis, asking Hashem to listen to our tefilos and answer our call. As we stand right before the Yomim Noraim, when every Yid pours their heart out in prayer, I hope this song brings you closer to the[…]
Baruch Naftel – Toras Emes
With Elul Zman in full swing, the Yomim Noraim looming ahead, and Simchas Torah around the corner, what better concept to sing about than Torah? This song was originally obtained in 2012, and was intended to be a part of my upcoming album at the time, but Hashem had other[…]
TYH Nation Presents: Hareini – Shmuel
TYH Nation Presents Hareini – הריני Shmuel Rebbe Nachman (Sichos Haran 2) teaches us the profound power of placing complete trust in Hashem. It is an essential practice to surrender all your movements, actions, and even your concerns, to the will of Hashem. By handing everything over to Him, you[…]
Eli Miller Returns With A New Single For Yemei Selichos & Tishrei
The ever so current words from David Hamelech in tehillim take on a meaning of teshuva from ahava and simcha with a refreshing and sweeping melody by Eli Klein and an energetic arrangement by Yitzy Berry and Eli Klein.